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Name:Deepak Das
Registration ID:DISM/D/2014/FSF10739
Father's Name:
Date of Birth:0000-00-00
Age: yrs
Address:Fire and Safety Forum Email: fsf.admissiondept@gmail.com Phone(Off):+91-0484-6068555 |Gurumandiram building|#1st floor, Kaloor| Cochin-682017 | Kerala-India|
Mobile Number:Register To View
Email Address:Register To View

Why Research Fellows are recognized internationally

  • Industrial corporate require veteran certified safety  professional to resolve their health and safety issues in their enterprises
  • In industries establishment of HSEMS and QHSE policy are a legal requirement, and for these authentic and authoritative positions of  health and safety require certified safety professional
  • For manufacturing /production or service industries Research affiliate certified safety professional are a mandatory factor for client satisfaction and the company reputation also increased
  • Installing safety from the designing stage can reduce 99% of risk in industries hence research affiliate  certified safety professional required for maintaining the Quality Control Policy of Enterprises
  • Company HSE Policy and Environmental Policy should be set up by the veteran safety professionals in the QHSE field and it should be maintained by a positive safety culture hence research affiliates are required.



Hence as a research affiliate certified safety professional you are entitled to use the designation of a Chairman position or authoritative positions similar to chairman, president, etc in the industries.
ISHET Diploma